Services Perspective: Where Are We on the ESA Pathway?
Date & Time
Thursday, April 21, 2022, 3:55 PM - 4:55 PM
Cathy Tortorici - National Marine Fisheries Service
Gina Shultz - US Fish and Wildlife Service
Jim Cowles - TKI
Gina Shultz - US Fish and Wildlife Service
Jim Cowles - TKI

The past 12 months brought new developments in the ESA and FIFRA space. The EPA announced a new ESA policy on active ingredients and an ESA pesticides work plan, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued the malathion biological opinion. The presentations in this session will provide an overview of some of these ongoing efforts to improve the ESA consultation process from the perspective of the Services.
Location Name
Salon A/B
Session Type
Concurrent Session