ESA Mitigations Menu
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Brian Anderson Elyssa Arnold Adam Barlow Terron Hillsman Edward Ruckert Austin Gellings

The ESA Workplan Update is a major step in EPA’s strategy to improve the ESA review process and reflects the Agency’s new direction of using ESA mitigations in the FIFRA-portion of pesticide review (FIFRA Interim Ecological Mitigations), and in EPA’s interim decisions during the FIFRA registration review process. During this session, speakers from EPA and other stakeholders will discuss this approach and the use of existing conservation practices, and precision application technology as potential mitigations.  

Location Name
Studio D
Full Address
Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel
2800 S Potomac Ave
Arlington, VA 22202
United States
Session Type
Concurrent Session