European Union and MRL Challenges
Date & Time
Friday, April 22, 2022, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Peter Bachmann - USA Rice
Wibke Meyer - CropLife International
Stephanie Murphy - Bayer
Sabina Neumann - USDA
Wibke Meyer - CropLife International
Stephanie Murphy - Bayer
Sabina Neumann - USDA

MRLs have been politicized and created trade barriers for commodity exports over the years. As the European Union (EU) endeavors to approve and implement the Farm to Fork Strategy, we continue to see the evolution of trade barriers in the EU that impact agricultural exports and target the use of pesticides. Listen to panelists discuss current and potential future challenges the pesticide industry and U.S. growers face in trade with the EU.
Location Name
Grand Ballroom
Session Type
Concurrent Session