Jan Matuszko - EPA
Spencer Mortensen - BASF Corporation
Ashlea Frank - Compliance Services International
Elyssa Arnold - USDA-OPMP
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) Workplan Update is a major step in EPA’s strategy to improve the ESA review process and reflects the Agency’s new direction of using ESA mitigations in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)-portion of pesticide review (FIFRA Interim Ecological Mitigations), and in particular, in EPA’s interim decisions during the FIFRA registration review process. The Workplan Update is complex and uses a new approach for introducing measures to reduce offsite movement of pesticides, which would reduce pesticide exposure to all non-target species, before the evaluation and consultation process is complete. It also requires the consideration and review of experts and stakeholders familiar with the subject matter, including USDA and grower groups. During this session, speakers from EPA along with stakeholders will discuss this approach and its implementation.
Moderator: Spencer Mortensen
Elyssa Arnold
Jan Matuszko
901 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States